[si-kyoofreedom from care, anxiety, or doubt; well-founded confidence.
[in-si-kyoo–noun, plural -ties.
lack of confidence or assurance; self-doubt: He is plagued by insecurity.
What does being secure mean for you? I've been thinking a lot about security lately.
*What makes me insecure?
*What do I base my security on?
*What should I base my security on?
Security is found in God, and in God alone. In order to be secure I must keep my eyes focused on God and His faithful love.
People will let me down. If I put my security in people I will be hurt by them.
Money is unstable
Circumstances are uncertain and sometimes shaky.
God, my Heavenly Father and Friend, the one who has the world in the palm of His hand and yet knows me personally;
He is secure
He will never change
He is faithful
His love is as wide as the sky, as high as the heavens,
and as deep as the seas.
Why would anyone not put their confidence and security in God??
the following was taken from an article on-line
God is saying... Trust in me.
"I am unfathomable, faithful from the first to the last. My love for you is so wide, so deep, so all-encompassing that you cannot imagine. I reach out to you with all my heart. I love you, my child.
"Whatever you do, however bad you feel, even if you shun me and turn your back on me, I will always love you. Even if you have done the most dreadful things, I still love you. I am the way, the truth and the life. I am the love that you seek. The love to heal your wounds, to bind up your inner hurts.
"Be encouraged - you are not alone. I am always with you. I knew you before you were born, when you were formed in your mother's womb. I know every step of your life, every minute, every second.
"Turn to me and I will comfort you. You cannot hide from me like you hide from other people. I see into your heart, and I understand. I know about your insecurity. Do not worry that I know this; be reassured, because I love you and want the best for you. I am here.
"I will not harm you - I came to set you free, free in your heart, free in your spirit. I yearn to bring you into my Kingdom, into my peace. Turn to me, let me in, and I will begin to heal you. There is no outer shell that you can wear that I cannot love through. Be at peace. Do not be afraid. I love you. I AM."
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