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Myerstown, PA , United States
I am a teacher. I can't spell well or speak correctly. How did I ever become a teacher you ask? Only God. It's a long story. I am an introvert. I think more than I speak. I enjoy being alone, and at home as much as possible. I want to reflect God's love to every person God brings to me. I am married to a wonderful, caring, supportive man. He loves to help others, and is willing to listen and talk to those in need. He loves to garden, and work outside. Cookies are his favorite. We love drinking coffee and eating cookies together. I have a burden for hurting children. I wish all children everywhere, felt love, safety and security, from not only their Heavenly Father, but also from a family that cares more about the needs of their children then their own personal needs. I love looking for small glimpses of God's great love. They are all around us, every day. Have you noticed? Do you know of God's love for you?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

sometimes it's the little things

I am a firm believer in looking for the little joys of life. 
*a child's laugh
*a falling star
*a mourning dove's song
*the brightness of the sun 
*the color red

*full moon rising 
*a shooting star
*a bright reflection
*a kind word
*a rare God ordained moment
*a coffee mug
* spring flowers
*the smell of fresh cut grass
*a jet stream

Whatever it is that grabs your attention and makes you say, "oh wow, look there, that's beautiful!" or "Did you hear that?" That something that takes your breath away, is given just to you by an all loving God who knows you. He knows every part of your heart, every longing you've ever had, every dream you've ever dreamed, every sigh that has ever escaped from your lips, every tear that has rolled down your checks, every smile that has brightened your eyes. He notices every emotion, and He cares deeply about each one. That God, he loves you for who you are. He loves you just the way you are. And the best part is, it doesn't matter what you do, He will always keep on loving you. He is pursuing you, and will do anything to get your attention. 

Those little things that take your breath away, God knows about them too. And He says, "Now if only my beloved child would know how much I love her. If she could only see that I am the one who painted the sunset. I am the one who put the mourning dove outside her window. I am the one that caused the right song to come on the radio at the perfect moment. I am the one who prompted the friend to write an encouraging note. If my child would notice that I am the Author and Instigator of these things, then maybe my child would also notice how much I long to have a relationship with her. I want to talk with her. I want to commune with her. I want to be with her every moment of her life. I want My Name to be in her mind and on her lips more than at bed time and on Sundays. So I will pursue her in order to win her heart.

"Every song you love, every memory you cherish, 
every moment that has moved you to holy tears 
has been given to you from the One who has been pursuing you 
from the first breath in order to win your heart. 
God's version of flowers and chocolates and candlelight dinners 
comes in the form of sunsets and falling stars,
 moonlight on lakes and cricket symphonies; 
warm wind, swaying trees, lush gardens, and fierce devotions." 
-Stasi Eldredge


Unknown said...

Beautiful thoughts. Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

amanda...i found your blog! =) love reading your posts. come over soon. i'd love to chat over coffee=)
God bless