- ’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,Just to take Him at His Word;Just to rest upon His promise,And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”
- Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
So what do you do when life hands you a big impossible mountain to climb? There it is, suddenly right in your path. There is no way around it, it surrounds you. There is no way under it, it sinks into the deepest of seas. It's so high you can't even see the top. Is there a top? You can't dig through is, it's made of the thickest, heaviest rock. There it is looming in front of you. Mocking you. You can kick it, punch it, and call it ugly names, but the only thing that results is a guilty conscience, and a bruised body. This is not what you thought life was gonna be like. You had dreams, big dreams. But this mountain, it's destructive. It's ruining your life. Does God see this mountain? Doesn't he care? Didn't He say if we had enough faith He could remove our mountains? But it's still there. God I have faith. I know you can remove this mountain. Soooo..... why is it still there. I have faith. I have faith.
Then Jesus calls your name and He says, My child, I just want you to come to Me. Come, I will give you all you need. I will be more for you than what you can imagine. Trust me. TRUST ME. I created the mountain. I put it in your path. I have something pretty amazing I want to show you. I know you have dreams and plans, and this might get in the way of what you want. But my child, what if this is what I want? Can you trust me?
God has been showing me a lot about prayer lately. He pays very close attention when His children pray. He listens with full, undivided attention. He doesn't get distracted by the dog, or the dryer stopping, or the phone ringing. He listens. He really listens. He looks you in the eye, and He nods in agreement. He puts His arm on your shoulder, and holds you close. And if you let Him, if you sit quietly and listen, He will speak to you. He will whisper words of love, affirmation, encouragement and direction, words of Life. This is what God wants more than anything -to sit down and have a nice talk together. He wants you to pour out your heart to Him. All the frustrations and agonies of the day. He wants to hear what has made you happy, and He wants to hear what has made you cry. And when you sit down and look God in the eyes, and talk to Him, the mountain doesn't look so big. Or maybe it's that you don't notice it as quick. It is still there, as big as ever. But in talking to Him, the mountain Maker, we can rest on His shoulder in peace, having full confidence that somehow all will be well. It is not our job to figure out why the mountain is there, or how it's gonna disappear, it's our job to simply rest, be still, wait, trust, and listen to the mountain Maker.
Oh, so much easier said than done.
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