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Myerstown, PA , United States
I am a teacher. I can't spell well or speak correctly. How did I ever become a teacher you ask? Only God. It's a long story. I am an introvert. I think more than I speak. I enjoy being alone, and at home as much as possible. I want to reflect God's love to every person God brings to me. I am married to a wonderful, caring, supportive man. He loves to help others, and is willing to listen and talk to those in need. He loves to garden, and work outside. Cookies are his favorite. We love drinking coffee and eating cookies together. I have a burden for hurting children. I wish all children everywhere, felt love, safety and security, from not only their Heavenly Father, but also from a family that cares more about the needs of their children then their own personal needs. I love looking for small glimpses of God's great love. They are all around us, every day. Have you noticed? Do you know of God's love for you?

Monday, April 18, 2011

fish tank, friends, and sunglasses

   After a fitful night of being awoken, (if that's a word) on more then one occasion by the barking dogs, and waking up with a stiff neck, I proceeded to get ready to go clean house for a friend of mine. But about 40 min before I had to leave she told me she was sick, locking the door, and going back to bed. Suddenly the day seemed huge and leery. I first spent some time writing an email or two, facebooking, checking my blog, you know the normal things, while I thought about how I was going to fill my day. The frightful stack of weekend dishes on the counter were loudly screaming my name, as was the disgustingly green slimy fish tank which hadn't been cleaned in over a year. (I've been gone!) It's been on my list of things to do sometime this week. And suddenly I feel ambitious and full of energy. 
     The dishes....  note to self: when leaving dishes sit for a few days, at least soak them or rinse them off before just letting them SIT. 3 day old dried hash brown fried skillets take a long time to clean. Lets just say the project took awhile.
.... as did the fish tank. But it was easier to clean, and fun!!! :) I counted 47 guppies. I was going to take "before" and "after" pictures of the tank, but I forgot till I was about half way done. Now the little fishes are just a swimming around, enjoying the clear glass and clean water. There are some really pretty colored fish in there. Such tiny detail.
    Between fish tank and supper, I had an amazing conversation with a friend of mine. She encouraged me so much and made me grin from ear to ear. I was reminded that God knows exactly what we need from whom at the exact time. She was Jesus to me, and it totally made my day! Even Jolene commented on the fact that I was "Glowing about something." I LOVE my friends, and I LOVE Jesus, who gave me so many good amazing friends. 
   For some reason the ambitiousness did not leave. This evening I felt like cleaning, and going through drawers and JUNK. It's a strange feeling. Usually I have to make myself get up and do stuff. But not tonight. At 10:30 I was still going strong. (I'm a night person) I tackled laundry, went through sweaters and desk drawers , (found some floppy disks, and a camera, you know the kind that takes film) I put some more recent pictures in frames, and I cut myself for the 4th time today. It's kind of funny cause at SMBI in the kitchen I was kind of known for getting cut a lot. But today I didn't even handle a knife and I still got cut.
    So I was cleaning out some drawers in a desk and I came upon 3 pair of sunglasses!! I couldn't believe it. Last week when Twila left I told her she could keep the sunglasses (they were mine) in her car. But a few days later, I was desperately wishing I had a pair. I almost made a special trip to the dollar store just to get a pair. But I decided that was foolish and since I was counting my pennies, I could do without sunglasses. As soon as I spotted the first pair I was like awww I have sunglasses!! Then I saw 2 more pair, and I knew that God was trying to get my attention. It was God's way of saying, "You can trust me with ever little need." I have a GREAT God!
   I finally had to tell myself "ok, after this you are quiting for the day," and I did, but then I felt like blogging about it, and now it's late... oh well. I enjoy late quiet nights. It's been a strange, but good rewarding day. And the dog has started her barking again....sigh. I like dogs, so I won't complain too much, but could she please quit barking?

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